Hristina Zafirovska
Hristina Zafirovska
I am born 1983 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. I have finished secondary art school at the department applied arts and graduated in painting and graphic design department at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, R. Macedonia. Currently I am doing postgraduate studies in graphic design at the Faculty of Design and Multimedia in Skopje, R. Macedonia. Since 2009, I am a member of the Association of Artists of my country. I am one of the founding members of the art group and cultural alternative art exhibition space “Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T.” in Skopje, established in 2009, also a founder of the female artist group “MOMI” (LADIES) which begins in 2012 with the active implementation of projects across the country and the Balkans. I am working in the fields of painting, graphic design, installation, drawing, photography, scenography, restoration and conservation of paintings and fresco paintings, mosaic and video. I actively participate in local and regional projects, border cooperation in the field of culture, also I taking part of many festivals, artistic gatherings, art symposiums, public presentations in the Balkans, Europe and beyond. I live and work in Skopje, R. Macedonia.


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